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The Art Institute of Chicago

If you are thinking about going to a museum for the arts,, then the Art Institute of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois may be just the right place for you. Learn about the Art Institute of Chicago in Chicago, Illinois and what the museum offers to local residents and those around the world. There is a lot to do in the city of Chicago itself, which leaves a lot of learning both inside and outside of the museum. Located in Downtown Chicago, The Art Institute offers a treasure trove of art exhibitions throughout the year.


The Art Institute of Chicago is a global art museum located in downtown Chicago. It offers thousands of artwork pieces within its gallery which encompasses many varied formats including sculptures, paintings and other forms of artwork. The Art Institute of Chicago is open now with restrictions of wearing mask due to the COVID 19 pandemic. You may tour the museum as an individual or with a group. Residents of Chicago receive a special discount as well as children under the age of 14 years old. There are also other special groups that can get discounted tickets. The Art Institute of Chicago also offers fast pass which allows you special entrance on days the museum is open.


The Art Institute of Chicago, located in Chicago, Illinois offers many exhibitions and events throughout the year. At this time some of the events and exhibitions include: El Greco: Ambition and Defiance, Malangatana: Mozambique Modern, Toulouse Lautrec and the Celebrity Culture of Paris, Bauhaus Chicago: Design in the City, Intimate Modernity, Carissa Rodriguez: The Maid and Noda Tetsuya: My Life in Print among others. These exhibitions are currently ongoing throughout the year 2020 and into 2021.


Something that may be unique to The Art Institute of Chicago is that it offers dining to all of its visitors. You have a choice between a fine gourmet meal or fast food take out, depending upon your preference.


There are the hours listed below for members and the public:

Members Only                     Public

Monday 10-11 a.m.                  11 a.m.-6 p.m.

Tuesday-Wednesday Closed        Closed

Thursday-Friday 12-1 p.m.            1-8 p.m.

Saturday-Sunday 10-11 a.m.        11 a.m.-6 p.m.


Become a member of The Art Institute of Chicago in downtown Chicago, Illinois and see previews of the paintings before they are open to the public. There are different levels of membership that include:

Supporter Levels – from $105 – $375, The Supporter level allows you to become one of the first to preview an exhibitions before the public.

Lionhearted level – from $500 – $1500 The Lionhearted level allows you to join into a special club with other art lovers. Imagine having your own set of art loving friends that you can pass observations about your preferences with.

Sustaining Fellows = $2500 – The most elite group of art lovers, you will enjoy unparalleled access to the museum.

Limited Use – $750 This membership offers restrictions and limitations to the museum.

So learn about The Art Institute of Chicago, in Chicago, Illinois and spend a wonderful day enjoying art from around the world. Take a group and become mesmerized with discussions about your favorite work, painting or sculpture. Remember that the exhibitions are changing each year, so make sure to call the museum for more information on tickets and what to expect.

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